Workday is part of the Human Resources transformation to better serve all members of the UVA community. This technology was launched in January 2019, and implementations of this magnitude take between 18-24 months to complete.

This site provides access to information and resources on setting up a connection to the appropriate wireless network at UVA via the UVA WiFi Setup network. Resources for UVA Faculty and Staff: How to Connect to UVA Wireless Networks. Generate Guest Wireless Passcodes. For ALL other network setup resources and information please see ITS Web. Protect yourself with the Fast and Secure VPN for Windows, which is in a one click away from you. Our uVPN has been designed for the latest Windows 10 and is certainly suitable for all other Windows versions. VPN is simple to install, nice to use and there are bunch of useful features. Try it now! Workday is part of the Human Resources transformation to better serve all members of the UVA community. This technology was launched in January 2019, and implementations of this magnitude take between 18-24 months to complete. UVa VPN Required to Access IRB Online/ Protocol Builder if Off Grounds (Posted August 19 2015) A UVa VPN is required to access IRB Online/ Protocol Builder if you are physically off grounds. Be aware that this is a UVa VPN which is different from a Health System VPN. If you are in need of a UVa VPN please contact ITS. Ranked #1 hospital in Virginia. Find UVA Health doctors & services for conditions treated at UVA Hospital and clinics throughout Central Virginia. Make appointments, get maps and directions. Concern over COVID-19 is compelling a change in the business culture of state agencies. Gov. Northam issued guidance to agencies and the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) continues to provide additional guidance as it becomes available.

UVA Hospital (Medical Center) 1215 Lee Street. Charlottesville, VA 22908. Tel: 434.924.0211 (Operator) | 434.924.8357 (TDD) System maintained by: Web Development Center

Alexi is a member of one of the premier dance orgnaizations at UVA, so it's fitting that she is providing an introduction to getting involved in the arts at UVA. If you're interested in studying or being involved in the arts here, don't miss the UVA Arts website! Configure the VPN: Click the network icon (nm-applet) on your task bar. From the menu, choose "VPN Connections" --> "Configure VPN". Click "ADD" to add a new VPN connection. For the UVa Anywhere VPN, configure it as shown below:

Most of the time, SOM students access clinical applications from workstations provided by the Health System Technology Services (HSTS) department in the clinical setting. For various reasons (too few computers available, midday patient updates, preparation for pre-rounding,) students find it convenient to use clinical applications from a laptop or a tablet. To do so, you can probably just …

UVA ANYWHERE VPN. If you're off-grounds in an apartment, home in China, traveling to Italy, or just went to your parents for the weekend and need access, you will need the UVA Anywhere VPN. This makes your computer act like it is on-grounds and lets you connect to drives, printers, the library, and lots of other useful things at UVA when you Using the McIntire Virtual Private Network Members of the McIntire School have access to a wide variety of technology resources that make learning and working together easier and more efficient. For security reasons, however, most of these resources are available only from within Rouss & Robertson Halls. The McIntire virtual private network (VPN) creates a secure connection to the School's University of Virginia device configuration for 802.1x (PEAP, TLS, TTLS) connections. Powered by SecureW2. Visit to learn more. When installing the Cisco VPN client, Firefox is the recommended browser. If you use Internet Explorer, you will receive prompts regarding ActiveX installation. The screenshots in this guide were taken using Firefox as the browser. UvA Login. U vAnetID: P assword: Forgot your password? The information on this page is only accessible for visitors with a UvAnetID. For security reasons, please log