Jul 07, 2020 · Note • In the preceding example, e XX is the log generation prefix for the database (for example, E00, E01, E02, and so on). • This step may take a considerable amount of time, depending on several factors, such as the length of the replay lag time, the number of log files generated during that period, and the speed at which your hardware can replay those logs into the database being

Jan 03, 2015 Activate a lagged mailbox database copy | Microsoft® Docs Jul 07, 2020 Oooh… that’s some copy queue length Mar 09, 2011 Office Exchange 2010/2013 DAG Status validation script May 27, 2015

Jul 12, 2020

Create a queue and bind all routing keys to it. Consume all messages from the exchange. Save all messages to the DB. Subscriber request for replay. Each subscriber creates a new exchange, queue and binds to it with same bindings as its regular queue. Subscriber sends a rest requests to a web server to start replay with a filter ( startdate, etc). d a replay queue length o f 2748. However, log repl ay is actually behind by a period of 733337.18:23: 20.4279554 which is great er by more than the Failu re window of 01:00:00. Ei ther log replay is slow o r is not making progress. Please investigate furth er.

Re: Monitoring Exchange Replay Queue Length by ssax » Mon May 23, 2016 9:26 pm Looks like you should be able to use check_nrpe and CheckCounters to poll some of the counters that you need:

Feb 01, 2013 Rythm - Features Moves a certain song to the first position in the queue or to a chosen position: forward: Forwards by a certain amount in the current track. skipto: Skips to a certain position in the queue. clear: Clears the queue. replay: Reset the progress of the current song: clean: Deletes the bot's messages and commands. pause: Pauses the currently [SOLVED] Exchange 2010 DAG mailbox database replication Oct 25, 2013 Exchange 2010 CQL(copy queue length) issue | Outlook