Automatic (Delayed Start, Trigger Start) - With a service in this state, it will start just after boot when specifically called. Manual (Trigger Start) - This is a version of Manual mode that allows Windows to start a service when specifically called and Microsoft’s answer to “too many services running all the time”.

If it is purely for restarting the service, you can use. Net stop myservice Net start myservice However, if you want access to the options of sc, you can use the start /wait command. start /B /WAIT CMD /C "sc stop myservice" start /B /WAIT CMD /C "sc start myservice" this technique is a more general solution that can be applied to any command. Mar 15, 2017 · The service command usage is a bit different from systemctl. The service name and start|stop|restart options are switched: sudo service httpd start sudo service httpd stop sudo service httpd restart Head back to the Services window, open the Properties of the MySQL service, and click the Start button. Check to see if the problem is gone. Solution 4: Tweak MySQL Configuration Files Oct 03, 2017 · Event Log service by default will look at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\ServiceDll for the service dll to start the service, however, when "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Parameters" presents, it will look for ServiceDll underneath the "Parameters" sub key. Command: net stop wuauserv says service is starting or stopping Hi ! I had some issues with windows update so I looked up some solutions and the one with running commands in cmd is only one but when I run the command: net stop wuauserv , it says the service is starting or stopping and same case is with command : net start wuauserv.

The Get-Service cmdlet gets a list of services, which you can filter by any property. For example, this gets a list of disabled services: Get-Service | ? {$_.StartType -eq 'Disabled'} The Set-Service cmdlet can set several properties of a given service, including the startup type. For example, this sets the lanmanserver service to start

To Start Net Logon service: net start Netlogon Note: You can’t start a service if Startup type is on Disabled. To Stop Net Logon service: net stop Netlogon To change Startup type: Automatic: REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Netlogon" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f Manual: Start, Stop, or Transfer Water Service The Consolidated Mutual Water Company is a private, stockholder mutually owned non-profit water company Consequently, when water service at a property is transferred to new property owners, the shares of stock associated with the property must be transferred as well. Added 2 command-line options: /start_services to start ServiWin with services list and /start_drivers to start ServiWin with drivers list. Version 1.45: Fixed bug: For some services, ServiWin failed to detect the .exe file properly Added 'Command-Line' column, which displays the full service command-line, including parameters.

So to start Remote procedure call service the command is: net start RpcSsTo stop Remote procedure call service net stop RpcSs. These service names are listed below for each service. The first column shows the display name of a service and the second column shows the service name that should be used in net start or net stop or sc config commands.

Command: net stop wuauserv says service is starting or stopping Hi ! I had some issues with windows update so I looked up some solutions and the one with running commands in cmd is only one but when I run the command: net stop wuauserv , it says the service is starting or stopping and same case is with command : net start wuauserv. Date you want service to begin: (click on date from calendar) Dates available are Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays. A requested date may be changed up to two (2) work days to coincide with an existing request or if the date is not a normal work day.