Jan 11, 2017 · What is SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - Duration: 3:25. How to use Gmail as Email Client / Gmail as POP3 and SMTP Email Client - Duration: 10:44. Sachin Samy 33,266 views.

Jun 08, 2018 · Note: If you use two-factor authentication on your Gmail account (and you really should), then you’ll need to set up a specific app password for Outlook to connect to your Gmail account (check out that page for several troubleshooting tips for connecting Outlook to Gmail). If you don’t use two-factor authentication, and Outlook won’t Nov 25, 2019 · Gmail Free SMTP Server InformationOutgoing Mail (SMTP) Server: smtp.gmail.com.Use Authentication: Yes.Use Secure Connection: Yes (this can be TLS or SSL depending on your mail client)Username: GMail account (email@gmail.com)Password: GMail password.Port: 465 or 587. I tried different settings with the SMTP server (incl smtp.gmail.com), different ports (both 25 and 587), different email addresses (incl my gmail account) but until so far no luck. Other scan options (e.g. storing the scanned doc on my computer) do work but I rather get this Scan to email function working. Feb 24, 2017 · It is sufficient to have only class.phpmailer.php and class.smtp.php of this library. We should set subject, content and header information. When we send email using Gmail SMTP make sure to set SMTPAuth as TRUE and SMTPSecure as tls/ssl. Use your Gmail Username and Password to send an email. I know it was always looking for trouble if you try to use your free Gmail acount as the SMTP server for your web application. I used for tests while writing this tutorial my Google Apps account. The best choice is an alternative SMTP service, Sendgrid is cool and offers a free account as well (enough for smaller applications)

Jan 11, 2017 · What is SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - Duration: 3:25. How to use Gmail as Email Client / Gmail as POP3 and SMTP Email Client - Duration: 10:44. Sachin Samy 33,266 views.

Oct 16, 2019 · Conclusion. Configuring your Gmail SMTP settings to send mail from WordPress isn’t quite as easy as it used to be. There are better and more simple alternatives available, but when you need a PHP mail alternative, and you don’t want to pay any recurring fees, Google provides a nice service and WP Mail SMTP makes it relatively straightforward to get up and running.

Jul 16, 2020 · But if you’d still like to use Gmail or G Suite, let’s go ahead and take a look at how to set up WP Mail SMTP for sending WordPress emails using that mailer. Step 1: Install the WP Mail SMTP Plugin

May 16, 2018 · The Google SMTP server overcomes email delivery challenges that users experience when traveling, away from the office or unable to use the hosting provider, or ISP’s SMTP servers. It is available to both paid and free Gmail account holders.