The big story in security news right now is Heartbleed — a serious bug in the software responsible for encrypting traffic on the Internet, called OpenSSL.. OpenSSL is open source software used by websites, including Google, Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo and many thousands more, to encrypt all of our data.

OpenSSL 'Heartbleed' vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160) | CISA 2020-7-7 · OpenSSL versions 1.0.1 through 1.0.1f contain a flaw in its implementation of the TLS/DTLS heartbeat functionality. This flaw allows an attacker to retrieve private memory of an application that uses the vulnerable OpenSSL library in chunks of 64k at a time. Note that an attacker can repeatedly leverage the vulnerability to retrieve as many 64k chunks of memory as are necessary to retrieve the openssl-heartbleed漏洞利用与修复 - 简书 2010-10-10 · openssl-heartbleed漏洞利用与修复 Heartbleed漏洞简介 Heartbleed漏洞是openssl的漏洞,这个漏洞(CVE-2014-0160)的产生是由于没有在memcpy()调用受害用户输入内容作为长度参数之前正确进行边界检查。 openssl_百度百科

2014-4-13 · 来自OpenSSL的紧急安全警告:OpenSSL出现“Heartbleed”安全漏洞。这一漏洞让任何人都能读取系统的运行内存。已经有了一个紧急补丁,在安装它之前,成千上万的服务器都处于危险之中。该漏洞在互联网又称为“heartbleed bug”,中文名称叫做“心脏

【OpenSSL】heartbleed漏洞源码分析 - Keep it … 2014-4-14 · openssl?heartbleed漏洞?还在为此而恐慌?淡定,淡定!当您了解了漏洞的原理之后,您就不会再为之此而恐惧,或者说在您看完本文之后就会更加理智的去对待这个漏洞。 本文首先介绍了什么是heartbleed漏洞,接着从openssl源码的角度分析了该 OpenSSL "heartbleed" 安全漏洞 - 安全大可 - 博客园 2014-4-8 · 在 heartbleed 的官网上有关于 CVE-2014-0160 漏洞的详细信息,这是关于 OpenSSL 的信息泄漏漏洞导致的安全问题。改 Heartbleed bug 可以让互联网的任何人读取系统保护内存,这种妥协密钥用于识别服务提供者和加密流量,用户名和密码的和实际的内容。


2014-4-9 · When I wrote about theGnuTLS bug, I said that this isn't the last severe TLS stack bug we'd see. I didn't expect it to be quite this bad, however. The Heartbleed bug is a particularly nasty bug. It allows an attacker to read up to 64KB of memory, and the OpenSSL Heartbleed "心脏滴血"漏洞简单攻击示例 … 2017-8-4 · OpenSSL Heartbleed漏洞的公开和流行让许多人兴奋了一把,也让另一些人惊慌了一把。 单纯从攻击的角度讲,我已知道的,网上公开的扫描工具有: 1. Nmap脚本ssl-heartbleed.nse: OpenSSL漏洞 - HeartBleed 检测服务