You can't if you use their rented gateways. If you get your own retaill purchased modem and your own third party router you can change/ clone the MAC address at will which will result in a different public / WAN IP address.

Get a New IP Address on iPhone or iPad by Renewing DHCP … 2013-1-11 · Typically people need new IP addresses to get around network conflicts with other devices on the same network, though most modern wi-fi routers are much better at handing out IP’s and theoretically should never assign the same address to multiple devices. Nevertheless, it does happen from time to time even with the newest hardware and newest routers, especially if there is a lot of activity Solved: Need to get a new IP address - Verizon Fios … Somegirl's advice is spot on; the problem isn't with your IP address but the email service you're using. However, if you still wish to pursue changing your IP address, I've heard it can be accomplished by releasing it from the router, then quickly powering down the router before it grabs a new address. How can I get a new public IP address for the paranomic

CHANGING MY IP ADDRESS - Xfinity Help and Support …

How can I force a new & different IP address using DHCP on

What Is My IP Address - See Your Public Address - IPv4 & IPv6

Ethernet Can't Obtain an IP Address from My Router 2019-10-31