The sudo command allows authorized users to perform commands as another user, which is by default the root user. There are two ways to add a user to sudoers : you can add this user to the sudo group or you can add this user to the sudoers file located at etc. Here are the details of the two methods.

The sudo command in CentOS provides a workaround by allowing a user to elevate their privileges for a single task temporarily.. You have two options to grant sudo access to a user. The first one is to add the user to the sudoers file. This file contains information that defines which users and groups are granted with sudo privileges, as well as the level of the privileges. This is how to enable sudo after a fresh install of Debian 10: $ su -l # adduser sudo # logout Then, log out of the Desktop Environment and log in again. Sudo is a special user group in Linux. Members of that group are allowed to run commands and apps as a root user (i.e. elevated). The sudo group is available when the sudo package is installed. Besides the group, it provides the sudo command, that should be used to elevated a command or app, e.g. $ sudo vim /etc/default/keyboard. Adduser will also create a home directory for the new user at /home/username. After that you can give them sudo privileges by editing the sudoers file… sudo visudo. Use the cursor keys to navigate to the line below the entry for pi and copy it exactly, but use your new username instead of pi. pi ALL=(ALL) ALL john ALL=(ALL) ALL

Sep 10, 2017 · $ sudo useradd username -m -s /bin/bash $ sudo passwd username . Groups. You might also wish to create a new group for your users. # sudo addgroup To add a new user to a existing group you would do this: # sudo adduser audio. To add an existing user to an existing group you can use the same command:

sudo adduser bob sudo. Note that the user bob will be prompted to enter their password when they run sudo. This differs from the behaviour of the pi user, since pi is not prompted for their password. If you wish to remove the password prompt from the new user, create a custom sudoers file and place it in the /etc/sudoers.d directory. Create the Jul 10, 2017 · sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager. Only the root user and users in the libvirtd group have permission to use KVM virtual machines. Run the following command to add your user account to the libvirtd group: sudo adduser name libvirtd

How to add user in Alpine Linux. To create a new user account in Alpine, use the adduser command. The syntax is as follows to add a user in Alpine: adduser {user-name} adduser [options] {user-name} Let us create a new user account named wendy using the adduser command, enter: # adduser wendy ## if sudo admin configured use it ## $ sudo adduser

[ubuntu ~]$ sudo adduser newuser--disabled-password Switch to the new account so that the directory and file that you create will have the proper ownership. Feb 16, 2019 · Usually, we use ‘adduser’ command to create new user like below. $ sudo adduser ostechnix If you want the newly created user to perform any administrative tasks with sudo, just add him to the sudo group using command: $ sudo usermod -a -G sudo ostechnix. The above command will make the user called ‘ostechnix’ to be the member of sudo group. Use sudo with specific limitations on lp to do that. Or perhaps a developer needs access to 1 specific log file. Don't give her generic sudo - provide limited sudo that shows only the logfile or a grep of the log file. Also, sudo can be setup to prevent those using an editor from shelling out as root and competely owning the box. To add more administrators, i. e. users who can run sudo, you have to add these users to the group 'admin' by doing one of the following steps: * In a shell, do sudo adduser username admin * Use the graphical "Users & Groups" program in the "System settings" menu to add the new user to the admin group.