2020-5-12 · driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=option) 二、修改浏览器的User-Agent来伪装你的浏览器访问手机m站 #coding=utf-8 from selenium import webdriver option = webdriver.ChromeOptions() option.add_argument('--user-agent=iphone') driver = webdriver

Enable or Disable Plugin in Chrome Browser on Your … 2020-7-21 · Plugins are used by the Chrome browser to process certain content like audio and video. Occasionally, you'll need to set the permission to enable (allow) or disable (block) the plugin to either increase browser security or to troubleshoot a problem with the browser. How to Enable Adobe Reader Plugin for Chrome 2016-10-4 · 5. Open Chrome. 6. In the address bar at the top of the screen, type chrome://plugins/ 7. In the window that opens, click the link that says Enable under the Adobe Reader plugin. NOTE: This may be enabled already. 8. Relaunch Chrome. 3 Modi per Disattivare i Plugin sui Browser … 2020-7-20 · Come Disattivare i Plugin sui Browser Internet. I plugin sono programmi secondari che aiutano ad eseguire alcuni elementi presenti in una pagina web. Un esempio di un plugin è il plugin Flash di Adobe, che permette di visualizzare i Disable Plugin Check | Firefox 支持论坛 | Mozilla …

How To Disable Individual Plug-ins in Google Chrome

How to disable Google Chrome extension autoupdate - … 2020-3-18 · Disabling all Google Chrome updates. 2.1. Any OS Just type chrome://plugins/ at address bar and turn Google Update plugin off. source: How to disable Google Chrome auto update? 2.2 Win OS Set Registry values [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update] "AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes"=dword:00000000 "UpdateDefault"=dword:00000000 Chrome启动参数及地址栏功能_Lyon & Carol … 2009-3-17 · Chrome启动参数及地址栏功能Chrome启动参数及地址栏功能,希望各位大力支持(持续更新)。 chrome extension/plugin path 04-10 17 定制chromium- 定制启动首页,定制命令行参数


2014-12-1 · Browser plugins To disable plugins Click the Chrome menu icon !chrome settings.jpg alt="chrome settings"! in the upper right of the browser toolbar. Toward the bottom of the list, click the link to Show advanced settings. in order to determine which plugin is causing the incompatibility. As an alternative, follow steps to [archive: chrome disable-web-security 关闭安全策略 解决 … 2016-9-30 · 这个参数可以降低chrome浏览器的安全性,禁用同源策略,利于开发人员本地调试。 这里提供一个更简单的跨域解决方案, 设置Chrome浏览器的 disable-web-security, 实现跨域访问后端的接口。 window 新建一个 chrome.exe 的快捷方式, 并且关闭所有的chrome How To Disable Individual Plug-ins in Google Chrome 2010-7-23 · Lowell Heddings Lowell is the founder and CEO of How-To Geek. He’s been running the show since creating the site back in 2006. Over the last decade, Lowell has personally written more than 1000 articles which have been viewed by over 250 million people.