DIY: Cache credentials on a domained PC - TechRepublic

Feb 18, 2014 How Can I Use the RunAs Command to Run a Script Under Apr 28, 2006 RUNAS WITH DOMAIN USER - AutoItX Help and Support - AutoIt Apr 09, 2018

Sep 27, 2018

Run ADUC as Another User (RUNAS) - Active Directory Pro May 05, 2018 Run as different domain user. Nov 11, 2014

I also made sure the script was running under domain admin that also has local admin over every computer by adding the command “whoiam” to my script. Any idea why when I use start-process -verb RunAs it opens the script as admin but does not recognize the command manage-bde. Every other commands work but this one. Thanks, Alex

Nov 11, 2014 Using RUNAS Command to Run as Another User Sep 27, 2018 Runas as DOMAIN\administrator - cmd Apr 06, 2014 Pretend You’re On The Domain With Runas /NetOnly