The reason you might want to hide your IP address is if you want to stay anonymous on the Internet, so that sites you visit won't be able to trace you.Law enforcement officers or detectives who don't want their IP address left in the log of the Websites they visit in the course of their work are examples of people who need to cover their tracks as they gather sensitive information.

Dec 05, 2010 · The only way to hide your IP address from a site/person is to never connect to that site/person's computer. There are various ways you can make it more difficult to track you down, but it's a Hopefully you now know the best way to get a U.S. IP address and disguise your true location. Whether you want to for streaming the latest movie or using other online services, using a VPN is the How Do I Effectively disguise my IP Address? [ 11 Answers ] Like many of you, I am fed up with unsolicited spam being dumped in my mailbox. These days, all you have to do is make some innocuous comment in a discussion forum and you get bombarded with variegated crap. Not need to use proxies, hide IP tools, etc. All you need to do is to renew your IP address. If by any chance that all of that did not help at all, you will need some software or some extensive manuals about changing your IP address. In order to verify if your IP address changed or not you can use:

Your IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifier for your computer, and is determined both by your Internet Service Provider and your geographical location. This number is requested by the server every time you connect to a website (or other service) over the internet. IP addresses are often used by authorities investigating incidents of cyber-crime, due to the ease with which they

Jun 18, 2019 · Your IP address is like your public ID on the internet. Any time you do anything on the internet, your IP address lets servers know where to send back information you’ve requested. Many sites log these addresses, effectively spying on you, usually to deliver you more personalized ads to get you to spend more money. For some people, this is a significant issue, and there are ways to hide your How to Hide Your IP Address. Borrow a different IP address to go anywhere online and stay hidden. The reasons why you might want to mask your IP address may include: Hiding your geographical location, preventing Web tracking, avoiding a digital footprint, or to bypass any content filters, bans or blacklisting.

a) hide my ip address b) disguise my ip address - I've seen the use of a shell mentioned. c) access a proxy server to mask my ip address

The reason you might want to hide your IP address is if you want to stay anonymous on the Internet, so that sites you visit won't be able to trace you.Law enforcement officers or detectives who don't want their IP address left in the log of the Websites they visit in the course of their work are examples of people who need to cover their tracks as they gather sensitive information.